Friday, February 13, 2009

3 Of the Best Ways to Give Your Girlfriend An Orgasm

Many men wish they could give their girlfriends the kinds of orgasms they know she craves.

You know, the ones that make her shake and moan for minutes on end. The ones that make her eyes go back into her head and her toes curl.

The ones that make her feel such incredible sexual pleasure that she's willing to do absolutely anything to please you.

If you are one of these men, then wish no more, as I'm going to reveal to you three of my proven, sure-fire best ways to give your girlfriend an orgasm.

#1: Know How To Give Killer Foreplay

Strangely enough, the biggest reason why most guys have trouble giving their girlfriend an orgasm has nothing to do with the sex itself. More likely it's the fact that they just don't know how to provide interesting, stimulating foreplay.

Foreplay is a very useful tool in many ways. Firstly, it gets her aroused and ready for sex, meaning anything that you DO do during sex is going to have a much more intense, powerful impact, leading her to faster, easier, better orgasms. Secondly, it helps prolong the experience whilst adding to the atmosphere. Remember, that for your girlfriend, sex isn't all about orgasm - it's about all the experiences that lead up to that point as well.

Learning the art of foreplay and how to correctly and effectively build sexual tension is probably one of the most powerful, useful things you can do to enhance your lovemaking prowess and your girlfriend's pleasure.

#2: Go Down on Her

Most women report they have trouble reaching orgasm during sex.

There are a whole heap of reasons for this, and while any "blocks" that prevent your girlfriend from reaching orgasm quickly, easily, and consistently can be easily removed, provided you have the right kind of knowledge on how to do this, why make your life harder than it has to be?

Why not just choose a method of stimulation that is likely to give her bigger, more powerful orgasms easier and quicker?

Cunilingus (a fancy term for "licking your girlfriend's vagina) is a very powerful technique that can drive women to orgasm quite quickly and easily.

Obviously there's a lot more to it than just going down there and sticking your tongue in, but there isn't really room in this article to cover the intricacies of the act. Good cunilingus is an art, and although there are definitely ways to get a shortcut to your progress, like anything, practise makes perfect.

#3: Know Your Positions

In order to give your girlfriend an orgasm during sex, you really need to know your sexual positions.

Try and learn which positions are good for certain types of stimulation, not to mention what your girlfriend prefers, and what works best for both of you based on body shape, penis size and shape, and many other things.

Some positions are designed for clitoral stimulation. Some will really help your penis hit her G spot. Others allow you to be close, face to face, and are fantastic for an encounter you want to make more intimate.

Believe me, there is no need to be embarrassed about not being able to give your partner the kind of mind-blowing, earth-shattering multiple orgasms that you KNOW she craves. If you want to be able to make her orgasm harder, faster, and easier than ever before, why not join the thousands of men just like you that we have already helped and visit us simply by clicking here.

If you want more powerful, free information on how you can give your partner incredibly powerful orgasms without fail, then feel free to check out our other articles on give your girlfriend orgasms.

Article originally published here: The Best Way to Give Girlfriends Orgasms.

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